I Love My Hometown – Uniontown

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So what makes Uniontown so special?

How about the fact that it has the distinction of being founded on July 4th 1776 – the same date the united states declaration of independence was adopted.

It is also home of the first major highway in the united states known as the national road.

Built between 1811 and 1837 stretches from Cumberland Maryland on the Potomac river to Vandalia  Illinois.

That’s where construction stopped after the financial panic of 1837 and the resulting economic depression funding ran dry.

The road is also referred to as the Cumberland Turnpike, the Cumberland Brownsville Turnpike,

National Pike, Turnpike and route 40 where you will find the Searight’s Toll House built in1835.

It’s just two of the surviving six toll houses built by the state of Pennsylvania.

The Searights Toll House is just 5 miles north of Uniontown on Rt 40 and was declared a national historic landmark in 1964.

The building was designed so that the toll-keeper who lived in the toll house had good views of the road in both directions.

The toll house is open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 4 for more information call 724-439-4422.