It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and back when I was a kid I used to sit with my radio and just scan the dial to find tunes that I liked and if I didn’t like them it was usually my dad’s radio station. So the other night I decided to sit down with my boom box which is a smaller replica of the one I have in the garage that fell off a truck in Wheeling that my brother in- law sold me for a $100 bucks back in ’84 but that’s a different story. When I was a kid I used to go up and down the dial looking for radio stations that played my tunes. I even kept a list of the different radio stations that I could pick up but never thought of sending a QSL card like ham radio operators do. I would tune into stations from New York to Chicago and many other cities with radio stations that would boom their 50 thousand watts of power. Then you had everything in between. The low power radio stations that used to dot the area like WASP that used to play country music on the AM dial. Now it’s an unplugged transmitter that sits just outside the Pickle studio. Not many people want to advertise on AM radio which is how we make money and why its not plugged in today and why many other AM radio stations in between aren’t there anymore. Now on the FM side it’s like the way AM radio used to be the only difference is you can’t pick up the stations in New York to Chicago just by scanning the dial. FM, despite some radio stations pumping out 50,000 watt’s of power, it’s signal just can’t jump and leap over anything that gets in it’s way like an AM signal can. But thanks to the internet, today radio stations are on equal footing. No matter how big or small if their streaming you can hear their programming anywhere in the world. And all you have to do today is say “Alexa play the Pickle. Or Google play Froggy and voilà, there she be. Of course you’ve got to know what your looking for when it comes to streams which takes away the fun of scanning the radio dial which is something I used to do as a kid. Stop me if I told you this before. I tend to repeat myself.