It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and soon it will be Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday because I love to eat. I mean  how can you not call it your favorite holiday if you love to eat and the whole purpose of the holiday is to eat. Well, okay the whole purpose is to be thankful and I am. I’m thankful for a wonderful family, friends and a roof over my so we can all sit down together and eat. It’s the only time of year where I throw away any thought of dieting out the window. Sorry that will not be served over the thanksgiving holiday or over the next few weeks leading up to and including the New Year. Get away from me all you dieting commercials or advice as to how not to put on those extra pounds during the holiday season because I will and with a smile on my face. After a year of trying to eat healthy and avoiding the temptation of over indulgence its officially time to reward yourself for all your good behavior. A chance to say, “Yeah I’ll have seconds and yeah I’ll have a slice of pie too”. Maybe I’ll have more than one slice and more than just one kind. Yes it’s the time to wear loose fitting cloths and raise our forks and rejoice and be thankful that when all is said and done we can crash on the couch or sit back on the recliner and watch non stop football. Or to just doze off and dream of the leftovers we can enjoy once we wake up. Yeah, Thanksgiving, It’s my favorite holiday.