It’s The Kielbasa Kid…

…and I found this headline for a website called Insider amusing. It read, “Nobody recognized Mick Jagger at a local bar the night before a Rolling Stones concert”. Ah, could it be the clientele at the bar was 50 years or younger than Mick Jagger? If it were 1970 I doubt Mick could even get into the bar without a ton of people falling all over him. I imagine people getting ready for a Rolling Stones concert where probably home watching TV and getting ready for bed because they had a job to do the next day or their retired. I’d be amazed if the bartender even knew he was getting a beer for someone other that an old fart looking to pick up a 21 year old. Bet if Justine Bieber was at that bar the night before a concert the headline would have read much differently okay, maybe I’m stretching that one a bit. I’ll bet Mick would have gotten the same reaction back in June of 1964 before the Stones played Dance land at the old West View Park just outside the city of Pittsburgh in Allegheny County. Okay, maybe his long hair would have drawn attention but just 400 people showed up for the show that also featured Bobby Goldsboro as he was part of the opening acts. Monday night Oct. 4th the Rolling Stones headline Heinz field and the only original members who were at the West View Park show 57 years ago on June 17th are Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. Drummer Charlie Watts passed away this past August at the age of 80 and the other original member Brian Jones passed away in July of 1969 at the age of 27. I only saw the Stones twice. In 1972 at the Civic Arena during the Exile on Main Street Tour and in 1989 at Three Rivers Stadium during the Steel Wheels tour. Comedian Steven Wright said he loves the Stones. “Can’t believe they’ve been doing it after all these years, Fred and Barney.”