….and say hello to Wylie is a 9 year old, male, Pit Bull Terrier.
recently came to the shelter as a stray. He had been adopted from the shelter in September of 2009. His owner never came forward for him. He is very affectionate and loves to cuddle. He walks well on a leash! Also say hello to Sabrina
Sabrina is an 8 year old, female, domestic short haired cat. She came to the shelter as a stray 5 weeks ago. She is very friendly and would love to be a lap cat. She enjoys being around other cats and tolerates children well. She is outgoing and friendly! Both are looking for a forever home and are waiting for you at the Washington Area Humane Society 1527 Route 136, Eighty Four PA 15330 Phone: 724-222-PETS. Also heres information about their upcoming…
5th Annual Run for Shelter 5K
Location: North Strabane Community Park 9 am – 12 pm Registration is available on our website at www.washingtonpashelter.org/events $25 registration fee includes free t-shirtWalk or Run! All ages welcome. Event is family and dog friendly! All dogs must be on a leash and proof of rabies in form of certificate (tags will not be accepted) must be presented upon arrival. Sponsorship and Vendor Booth opportunies available. Contact: Laura Fine / [email protected] / 724-222-PETS