…and at first I didn’t know who or what the commercial was for but the music used in it featured the lead vocalist singing, “Hey You”! It wasn’t Pink Floyd or Bachman Turner Overdrive but the song was stuck in my stuck in my head for days. I looked it up and learned the song is indeed called “Hey You” The song is 46 years old. I wonder how I missed it after all these years. Even the name of the band is an unknown to me; they’re called Experience Unlimited, E.U. for short. And who was the marketing genius who picked it for the ad. Was it to appeal to an older generation since the song sounds like something the band Rare Earth would do or at least the lead singer sounds like the lead singer in Rare Earth. But what’s it say when the song was more interesting to me than the commercial? Maybe the next time something will trigger my brain to say, hey you, that’s the song, now what are they trying to sell me. Well, that’s what I thought I would do but instead the next time I saw the commercial I started talking about the song to a friend and the group who did it and started streaming it for him. He never heard it either. As far as what they were trying to sell me, turns out the 3rd time was the charm. New Balance. But not sure if they were selling shoes or tennis rackets but I’m not the marketing genius who came up with the ad. Good job Sparky!