It’s the Kielbasa Kid…

…and I’m taking Monday off and it had nothing to do with the total eclipse of the Sun but talk about the timing. Why is it that when certain things happen and you think, nothing like being in the right place at the right time but you can’t pick the right numbers to hit the lottery?  Not only that but I usually go to sleep early on Sunday night because of the 3am wake up call and realized hey I’ll be able to watch the Pirate St. Louis game from the Little League capital of the world, Williamsport which follows the Steelers Falcons exhibition game on Sunday afternoon. But yeah talk about the timing and I can’t believe some people take exception to school’s like South Fayette delaying the start of the school year by a day because of the total eclipse on Monday. Everything from it’s a burden on the working parents who have to rearrange their schedule because the kids will be home to I wonder if they don’t want to be held responsible if a student looks directly at the eclipse.. First off, what have parents been doing all summer while the kids have been home from school? What’s one day going to make?  Besides what about school delays and closings due to snow during the school year thanks to Mother Nature? What’s wrong with thinking about the safety of the child not to mention taking the liability away from the school in this sue crazy society we live in. So come Monday empty a cereal box, grab some tin foil, pin, tape and paper and make a little viewing device to watch the total eclipse of the sun. You can see a video of how to put it all together at the pickles face book page here at that way I can say with confidence, see yeah on Tuesday!